Rahvusvaheline tapeetide konserveerimise töötuba 05.2 ...
Ava slaidivaade
09.05.2016- 13.05.2016
International Workshop on Historical
Wallpapers from Manor Schools in Estonia
09 – 13 May 2016
Estonian Academy of Arts, Department of Cultural Heritage and Conservation, Suur-
Kloostri 11 Tallinn
Dr Laura Lūse (The Art Academy of Latvia; State Inspection for Heritage Protection of
Latvia; Riga Building College); Brit Heggenhougen (Norwegian Institute for Cultural
Heritage Research); Kristiina Ribelus (Estonian Academy of Arts); Maris Allik and Viljar
Vissel (Conservation and Digitization Centre Kanut, Estonia); Indrė Valkiūnienė,
(conservator of mural paintings, Lithuania)
Programme managers:
Dr Hilkka Hiiop, Maris Veeremäe (Estonian Academy of Arts)
Course objectives:
One-week workshop on historic wallpapers from Estonian manor schools has both
theoretical and practical approach. The aim is to learn about the history and practice of
wallpaper conservation through lectures and study tours; to gather students and
experts from Estonia and Norway to exchange different techniques and experiences; to
create and tighten networks in the field of conservation and to offer a unique
opportunity to explore the historic wallpapers from the manor schools. Also the
guidance manual for conserving and preserving historic wallpapers will be compiled
and published.
Wallpapers from Manor Schools in Estonia
09.-13.mail korraldab EKA muinsuskaitse ja konserveerimise osakond Kultuuriministeeriumi toel ja kaasabil EMP Mõisakoolide programmi raames rahvusvahelise tapeetide restaureerimise kursuse. Tutvustame tapeetide konserveerimise ajalugu ja praktikat ning korrastame ja konserveerime mõisakoolidest pärit tapeete. Kavas on ka tapeetide konserveerimise ja säilitamise juhendmaterjali koostamine.
Kohal on ja loengutega esinevad eksperdid Norrast, Lätist, Leedust ja Eestist.
09 – 13 May 2016
Estonian Academy of Arts, Department of Cultural Heritage and Conservation, Suur-
Kloostri 11 Tallinn
Dr Laura Lūse (The Art Academy of Latvia; State Inspection for Heritage Protection of
Latvia; Riga Building College); Brit Heggenhougen (Norwegian Institute for Cultural
Heritage Research); Kristiina Ribelus (Estonian Academy of Arts); Maris Allik and Viljar
Vissel (Conservation and Digitization Centre Kanut, Estonia); Indrė Valkiūnienė,
(conservator of mural paintings, Lithuania)
Programme managers:
Dr Hilkka Hiiop, Maris Veeremäe (Estonian Academy of Arts)
Course objectives:
One-week workshop on historic wallpapers from Estonian manor schools has both
theoretical and practical approach. The aim is to learn about the history and practice of
wallpaper conservation through lectures and study tours; to gather students and
experts from Estonia and Norway to exchange different techniques and experiences; to
create and tighten networks in the field of conservation and to offer a unique
opportunity to explore the historic wallpapers from the manor schools. Also the
guidance manual for conserving and preserving historic wallpapers will be compiled
and published.
Kokku: 47